01. What hardware do you support?
We support desktops, laptops, servers, printers, scanners, and network equipment. When a product is under warranty, Ping IT will work as a liaison between you and the manufacturer. If the product is not under warranty, Ping IT will do its best to extend the life of the machine, or help you purchase a better machine. Our goal is to fix the problem not put a band-aid on it. If it will save you money in the long run to purchase a new machine, we'll let you know.
02. What computer platforms and software do you support?
Ping IT supports Windows and Macintosh platforms. We support Microsoft 365 and most other mainstream small business software.
03. Who is your typical client?
Our clients include growing businesses in need of reliable, cost effective on demand IT support for emergency issues and scheduled maintenance as well as medium sized businesses with up to 50 workstations that need trusted 'virtual' staff.
04. What is Ping IT Remote Support?
"Ping IT Remote Support" is a program we use that allows us to quickly resolve issues on your computer remotely. This means that we can solve your problems quicker and get you back up and running sooner than if we were to make an on-site visit.
05. Can Ping IT Remote Support be used to break into my computer?
Absolutely not! This tool MUST be started by you on your own workstation. When the support session is over the connection is closed, and only you can repeat the process to open a new connection.